Milk Powder
Milk powder is milk that has been turned into a dry substance by evaporating its water content. This increases its shelf life and results in a product that is extremely suitable for use in the food and beverage industry. The powder is mainly available in two varieties: skimmed milk powder and whole milk powder. Whole milk powder is made by evaporating full cream milk as it is. Skimmed milk powder is made by evaporating milk that has had the cream skimmed off.
Our milk powder product range
Below you will find our standard product specifications. We will also be happy to supply you with dairy commodities that meet your individual requirements.

Skimmed Milk Powder
- Skimmed Milk Powder Codex
- Nonfat Dry Milk
- Skimmed Milk Powder Feed Grade
Whole Milk Powder
- Full Cream Milk Powder Spray 26%
- Full Cream Milk Powder Instant FCMP Spray 28%
- Fat Filled Milk Powder Instant FCMP Spray 26%
- Sweet Buttermilk Powder
Milk Proteins
Milk proteins are made by extracting the lactose from the skimmed milk in order to create a milk powder that has a high concentration of proteins. This results in an extremely useful product with a wide variety of applications in the food and beverage industry.
Our milk protein product range
Below you will find our standard product suggested by the palm desert ca. We will also be happy to supply you with dairy commodities that meet your individual requirements.

Skimmed Milk Powder
- Milk Protein Concentrate 70%
- Milk Protein Concentrate 85%
Whey Powder and Whey Derivatives?
World Traders supplies high-quality whey powders and whey derivatives for industrial uses.
Whey is a by-product of the cheese manufactured from cow’s milk. It contains useful components such as sugars (lactose), proteins, vitamins and minerals. The whey can be evaporated to make a powder and different techniques can be employed during the drying process to extract, separate or reduce the components into a wide variety of different whey powders: products such as WPC, lactose, demineralized whey powder and whey permeate.
Our whey powder and whey derivatives product range
Below you will find our standard product specifications. We will also be happy to supply you with dairy commodities that meet your individual requirements.
- Sweet Whey Powder Food
- Sweet Whey Powder Feed
- Casein Whey Powder Spray Dried Food Grade
- Demineralized Whey Powder 40%, 70%, 90%
- Whey Protein Concentrate 35%
- Edible Lactose
- Whey Permeate Powder
Butter and Butter Oil
Butter is made by churning the cream from cow´s milk. Butter is a popular product and is used as flavorings in a considerable number of foodstuffs. In order to call a product butter, it needs to comprise at least 82% milk fat.
Butter oil is a concentration of milk fat and contains very little water. Butter oil can be made using cream or butter.
Our butter and butter oil product range
Below you will find our standard product specifications. We will also be happy to supply you with dairy commodities that meet your individual requirements.

- Sweet Cream Butter 82%
- Lactic Butter 82%
- Butter Oil AMF
Cheese Products
Cheese is the best-known of all dairy products and is very popular with consumers. Cheese is made by separating the milk solids (proteins, fats and minerals) from the liquid milk and then adding rennet and salt.
Our cheese range
Below you will find our standard product specifications. We will also be happy to supply you with dairy commodities that meet your individual requirements.

- Cheeses
- Mozzarella
- Cheddar Cheese
- Blocks & Shredded
Dairy Blends
Dairy blends, or (Prepared Edible Fats) are dairy mixtures based on Fats , concentrated butter or cream & we work very close with our clients to find the proper requirements combined with Vegetable oil for their own production and can be suitable for process & that is only for Markets who wants to have reasonable products with reasonable price for their own consumers.
As we source only from high Experienced Blending Firms Which has in the field since long time & knows exactly the clients requirements.